I could only think of how it sounded.
Almost like she was breathing in the galaxy.
The tiny stars dancing and shimmering
as they were sucked into her throat.
Their rough edges scraped the inside
of her skin, and she choked.
I looked at her pale face and breathless body.
All I could see was the smooth moon
And the light that shone in her eyes,
pooling with water as she tried to force air
into her lungs. Instead, she simply inhaled
more stars. She had her medicine.
It crawled into her body and knocked
the shining gems to the side. It dragged the air behind it
as if it was attached to its leg, tied with a safety rope
of oxygen. And it continued to swirl around her lungs
blowing them up like a hot air balloon.
But then the dizziness kicked in,
and I am sure she felt the world spin then,
because she blinked at me, and her eyes looked warm.
Blazing like the burning sun, and her skin went
red. Not like the moon anymore, her cheek was
dappled with the colours of autumn leaves.
I was ready to catch her
when she fell.
She looked dead.
So still, she could’ve been a small particle
of space.And I would never have known.