F.A.Q. - Do You Allow Explicit/Sexual Material?

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Joined:April 15th, 2012, 12:09 am
F.A.Q. - Do You Allow Explicit/Sexual Material?

Post by Chelle » April 15th, 2012, 5:55 pm

F.A.Q. - Do You Allow Explicit Material?

We don’t suppress creativity in what you choose to “write”. Certain writing is not suitable to post in our family-oriented community. When found on the forum, we will delete threads with the following content=bashing any race, gender, age, sexual preference, social status, political or religious view. We do not allow overly explicit material. Any sexually explicit material that we deem distastefully written will be removed! You agreed to COPPA law upon registering, which means we try to keep all content on our forum PG13 compliant. If you post a write that includes tastefully written vague explicit sexual references, please put an Explicit warning in your title before you post it! We also do not accept crude work. This includes bathroom humor, any offensive writes, and bestiality. If you're not sure if your piece is too overly explicit or inappropriate for posting, please send it to an Admin for approval beforehand!

Explicit poetry-
TPS does not allow overly sexual poetry to be posted. This means anything that has more than a vague sexual reference (ie: HINTING) cannot be posted. Oral sex, intercourse, sex toys, etc are not suitable subjects. If it’s p-----, it’s gone. Even if it seems like what we term sensual poetry-chances are if it’s obvious what it’s about, it can’t be posted here.

Language-If there is constant course language in the poem to the point where the poem can’t stand on its own, it needs to be removed. If there are just a few words, which are censored, add a language tag.

Violent poetry-
Some poetry may be violent. We allow violence to be posted but we cannot allow overly gory/violent scenes ie: if they are describing in detail someone’s organs being ripped out of them. We also do not allow cannibalism. So if something is particularly bloody, it probably needs to be edited or removed.

Mature poetry-
Several mature subjects have been featured in TPS poetry. In some cases, these poems are okay as long as they are tagged Mature. In some cases they are too much for the boards. Subjects that are deemed mature: drugs, suicide, rape, incest, and self-mutilation. A poem about a mature subject must be written tastefully and, in most, cases not focus too long on that subject. IE: Both rape and incest references need to be vague and short. These are very violent sexual crimes.

Expanding on "Sexually Explicit" Topics - TPS does not allow overly explicit material, meaning if your poem is filled with vulgar language and is written in a p----- type style, it will be removed and your account will gain a warning! If your post contains some mildly mature or explicit material, please put a mature or explicit warning tag in the title!

If you're not sure if your post is too vulgar for posting, please do not hesitate to send it to an Admin/Co-admin before posting it! We do allow tastefully written pieces, but there is a line as to what we'll allow and what we'll not. References should be VAGUE! Vague means of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning. Meaning, HINTING of sexuality, but not clearly stated. We don't need detailed descriptions.

Also, do NOT post any p----- images along with your poetry.
Also, please note, we do have a censorship device set up on the forum; we do allow some language content, however please be advised that many common foul words are censored with asterisks!

Looking For a Few Good Staff:If you're thinking about being a moderator-please check this out and apply!
TPS Moderator Application
