An archive containing past featured spotlight works, what we consider, some of the best works on TPS. Feel free to leave comments.
Sasha - Elite Member

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by Sasha » March 30th, 2013, 1:24 pm
sights touched
fingertips traded fragmentary
- It was in that gasping second
I penned you as a worst-selling novel
though I’m no novelist.
and you were there too;
pro-noun-cing my thoughts
for our soulless readers -
we only share the lovability
of our pathetic novella with.
We stacked three hundred and sixty five
dusks and dawns, scribbling down
lexicality of ardour.
and we agreed to eclipse our inked romance
day in your memory, day in mine.
Frightened of highest shelves’ dust
digesting the death of our characters
Plot, settings, and extempore dialogues.
and as we dot the last line of a sequel
(they keep getting worse and worse)
we dance on the “da dum”
as our laughter echoes in the far, far away solitary nights.
[space][/space][space][/space]And we live to live that routine.
sights touched
fingertips traded fragmentary
ladymaybebaby - Elite Member

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by ladymaybebaby » March 30th, 2013, 1:54 pm
Oh how I loved this! My favorite line has to be 'we dance on the “da dum”' because it's so personal for me as a writer. I can remember getting fussed at for not hitting my da-dums on a sonnet and I've never ventured into Shakesperean sonnet land since. I swear it's because of my southern accent that my da is your dum but this guy just kept at it! I love this piece, the whole thing! The references are gorgeous, another piece to be bookmarked for sure! Beautiful work Sasha!
Larsen M. Callirhoe
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by Larsen M. Callirhoe » March 30th, 2013, 2:50 pm
Wow Sasha this is one cool write. i could wean so much from this. Like LadyMaybeBaby My favorite line too is 'we dance on the “da dum”' - one nifty way of putting it my friend. This is bookmarked. My favorite write of yours so far. so exalt dear sweet lady.
Robert Haigh
by Robert Haigh » March 30th, 2013, 6:57 pm
A very clever and inventive write. The Novella allegory is truly apposite! How many of us have not felt as though we caught up in some bad Novella from which we could see no escape? Many will identify with this write, I'm sure.
ladylilith - Elite Member

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by ladylilith » March 31st, 2013, 3:24 am
This is such a cool concept. I adore how you carried it through with such an exciting and electric use of langauge. I particularly like the sound of this as I read, it just felt right. Also, I enjoyed a sense of the real in the emotion here, that there is a twisted, or more, life-like kind of love at work. Because we're not all bestsellers, we can't all have that chart topping, epic length fantasy novel of a romance, and heck, who'd want that? I'll have a novella thanks.
Well anyway, my musings aside, a stunning piece of poetry. I love this. Great way to frame it too. Neat!!
"The night is dark and full of terrors."
everhopeful - Elite Member

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by everhopeful » March 31st, 2013, 12:46 pm
I enjoy your writing themed poems, you have developed the knack of fully exploring the metaphor in a way which really fits like a glove. What strikes me about this one is how there's something which isn't perfect about the relationship, in fact there's more than a hint of imperfection, yet it is still a celebration of a period of time. Some excellent turns of phrase throughout, "lexicality of ardour" for example really made me smile, as well as the reference to the dreaded Iambs! The repetition of your prologue as an epilogue said a lot to me too.
Ever-eloquent work Sash-Sash!
dornicks - Elite Member

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by dornicks » March 31st, 2013, 4:23 pm
Laden with feeling in words that were carved to fit together. A good read -and a bit more. Thank you for sharing this,
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by Jovel320 » April 21st, 2013, 3:04 pm
Living and writing are the main staples in my life. Your poem describes my routine. We have to let these things out otherwise I believe I would explode.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!!!
Last edited by
Jovel320 on November 18th, 2013, 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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by Forestdawn » November 17th, 2013, 7:48 pm
This is a perfection in free verse. Love the flow. An indepth message of emotional thought. This is a pure masterpiece. Good work. I loved it.
Forestdawn: Entwined in the love of nature, Goddess of the green grove
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt within the heart." Helen Keller
Zojourn - Regular Member

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by Zojourn » November 18th, 2013, 1:53 am
This is truly exemplary! I love the way you grasp and showcase the concept, where emotions are simply shoulder-shrugged, and romance is eloquently penned as "And we live to live that routine", no matter the amount of dust acquired upon a sequel. This is a perfectly phrased (w)rite, and I could not help but absolutely adore your use of metaphor and imagery-laced language within this piece. Immensely enjoyed!
"People laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at them because they're all the same." ~Curt Cobain
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who i am not." ~Curt Cobain
Zojourn's Sojourn
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by Ladywildalice » November 18th, 2013, 12:01 pm
A most wonderful write, fully enjoyed and much envied. Oh if I could write like this, I would die a happy woman. LOL. An honor so very well deserved. Congratulations. Most beautifully accomplished. Sue
'Where ecstasy leaves gravity and dances with wild eyes' by Ladywildalice

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by Josie » November 18th, 2013, 1:07 pm
I loved your way of relating your writing to a troubled love affair. My favorite part:
We stacked three hundred and sixty five
dusks and dawns, scribbling down
lexicality of ardour.
and we agreed to eclipse our inked romance
day in your memory, day in mine.
Thank you so much for sharing and being on the TPS Spotlight.
dwells - Elite Member

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by dwells » November 18th, 2013, 8:13 pm
Can't judge a book by its cover Sash and this one line in particular ..."dust from the highest shelf..." sealed my attention to the beauty of what followed in plaintive and particular tones of consideration towards our destination unknown, cheers!
Dew - Elite Member

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by Dew » November 19th, 2013, 7:44 am
For me, it eclipsed short ideas like enjoying a thing or losing a thing or loving a person or losing a person...both literally and metaphorically, to me it embraced the fullness of living, which explores both sides of our be hurt by what heals and to be healed by what hurts. Just my own little tangent of a thought you sent me swinging off on! Love your word choice...some of those lines were rare gems! Congrats and well deserved!!!!! - dew
wendellgee - Regular Member

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by wendellgee » November 19th, 2013, 8:38 pm
really cool. read this several times over a couple days and it started to get through. real diamond like complexity to this.
flux - Elite Member

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everhopeful - Elite Member

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by everhopeful » November 21st, 2013, 8:45 am
A really well constructed piece of poetry with so much to take in that I'm as impressed and enthusiastic about it second time around as I was on the first read. There is a playful side to this one, conveying a sense of fun within a relationship, skilfully underpinned by the extended metaphor of a relationship evolving like the creation of a story.
Much enjoyed and admired, congratulations on the spotlight!
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by allmirth » November 21st, 2013, 10:45 am
I fall more in love with your poetry and style with each poem I read. I am so glad this is Spotlighted because I had missed it and I think it is my new favorite of yours. Congratulations indeed.
Thanks so much for sharing.

Rainman - Regular Member

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by Rainman » November 21st, 2013, 2:25 pm
A rich and articulate piece, so well composed, too. The '365' made me think of a diary or journal in which the relationship unfolds, and at the same time the whole of it is contained in the very first moment.
The prologue and epilogue were of course perfect bookends.
Am I impressed with this poem?
Yes, I am impressed!
Great piece.
maggetator - Regular Member

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by maggetator » November 22nd, 2013, 3:16 pm
This piece is so enchanting, and I love the comparison with reading/writing. I loved how you had two separate parts, the prologue and epilogue. Very clever.